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/:::::::::::::::::::::::-[ it's not 1998 anymore ]-::::::::::::::::::::: 
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/| .________. |  >xmastree.html                                     /:.:
/ :-========-:   >050217.html                                       /:.:
/|    NEWS    |  >neocities_is_down_260317.html                     /:.:
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/|   LIBRARY  |  >kalam-regular.ttf                                 /:.:
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/| .________. |  >rdog2.png                                         /:.:
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/::  .  .  .  :: >htdbv.html                                        /:.:
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/::  .  .  .  :: >owlman_favicon.png                                /:.:
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/::   . . .   :: >fty.png                                           /:.:
/::  .  .  .  :: >fuck_you.png                                      /:.:
/:: .   .   . :: >hi.png                                            /:.:
/::  .  .  .  :: >the_power_of_hate.png                             /:.:
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/::. . . . . .:: >owo_fire.gif /:.:
/:: . . . :: >/718710970/ /:.: /:: . . . :: >/blank/ /:.: /:: . . . :: >/cat/ /:.: /:: . . . :: >/discord/ /:.:
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