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Well then, welcome to The /owlgames Archive, it's kind of like the /idgames Archive database on Doomworld, but it's just for Doom-files that have something to do with OwlMan, or that OwlMan has archived.To contact him (why am I talking in third person?), simply E-Mail owlman@protonmail.com, or contact him via Discord, OwlMan#6604. Feel free to send him any Doom-related files that you wish him to archive.
Name | On /idgames? | Summary |
/demos | No | A demo (also called |
/dwango | No | All of the infamous/famous DWANGO Doom WADs, that were popular for Doom deathmatch for a long time. |
/hacx | Yes | Hacx (pronounced "hacks", and commonly written as HacX) is a total conversion for Doom II. It was created by Banjo Software in 1997, and featured an entirely new set of graphics. Hacx uses a DeHackEd modified version of the Doom engine, and the authors of Hacx paid id Software $5,000 for the rights to market Hacx as a commercial add-on for Doom II. |
/harris | No | All of the publicly known Doom II mods made by Eric Harris, one of the two young men who carried out the 1999 Columbine High School massacre. |
/iamevil | Yes | A collection of all of the I am Evil WADs, made by Dr. Beefstupid around 2001, these WADs are the second worst thing to happen in 2001...
It would seem that Dr. Beefstupid is still doing things in the Doom community ten plus years after I am Evil, looking his name up would come up with a sound effect they made for Freedoom, however, this would be rejected from the game for some reason. |
/icarusliv3s | No | Mods made by British YouTuber, Mr Icarus, who is best known for his reviews of Doom mods. |
/levels | Mostly | Large number of levels for Doom, and Doom II |
/mspaintr0cks | No | WADs made by German Doomer, MSPaintR0cks, most notability known for making Shadow Of The Wool Ball. |
/ports | No | Ports to be able to run and play Doom. |
/romero | Yes | Doom mods made by John Romero. |
/themes | Yes | Some good, and some bad themes for you to play. |
/tools | Some | Some helpful tools to help you on you Dooming way! |