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Name Date Summary
Hacx - The Full Version (v1.1) 1997-09-16 HACX is an action filled add-on for DooM II. The story is set in the near future and you will find yourself engrossed in a international blastfest. Combating weapons of mass destruction!
Hacx - IWAD release (v1.2) 2010-12-21 HACX is an action filled DOOM Engine game. The story is set in the near future, where you'll find yourself engrossed in an international blastfest. Wield weapons of mass destruction from China to Paris to combat a devilish artificial intelligence and its hordes of loyal fanatics. Can you handle it, hacker?
Protean Cybex II 2010-10-08 Based on the original HacX design docs, Protean Cybex takes place in a huge chemical processing plant that's (as always) filled to the rim with cannibal mutations. Can you survive (unmutated, of course) long enough to blow this place up?
HACX.DEH 2000-03-28 DEH file for Hacx
HACX Shareware v1.0 1997-06-16 A DOOM II Add-On, that will blow your head off!
Hacx - The Full Version (v1.1) (Files only package) 1997-09-16 HACX is an action filled add-on for DooM II. The story is set in the near future and you will find yourself engrossed in a international blastfest. Combating weapons of mass destruction!