_______            __ _______     
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 .:::::::::::: |_______||________||__|__|_|__||___._|__|__| :::::::::::.  
/:::::::::::::::::::::::-[ it's not 1998 anymore ]-::::::::::::::::::::: 
/::'.::..::.:`::'                                                  /:::: 
/::=---------=:' On this page are a bunch of DOS games that you are /:.:
/ ,-========-,   very much welcome to download, and play RiGhT nOW! /:.:
/|    HOME    |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |  The best way to play them would be to download     /:.:
/ :-========-:   some s0ftware called DOSBox -- if you have no idea /:.:
/|   LOOKUP   |  what that is, the long, and short is that it       /:.:
/| .________. |  allows you to play old DOS games on your new, sexy /:.:
/ :-========-:   computer, that is unable to run old games.         /:.:
/|     vid    |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |  >ballon20.zip                                      /:.:
/ :-========-:   >DOSBOX_BLOOD.ZIP                                  /:.:
/|    NEWS    |  >DOSBOX_STIXWORLD.ZIP                              /:.:
/| .________. |  >gobman_full.zip                                   /:.:
/ :-========-:   >nagual.zip                                        /:.:
/|    LIST    |  >tombfree.zip                                      /:.:
/| .________. |                                                     /:.:
/ :-========-:                                                      /:.:
/|     CAT    |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |                                                     /:.:
/ :-========-:                                                      /:.:
/|   LIBRARY  |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |                                                     /:.:
/ :-========-:                                                      /:.:
/|     IMG    |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |                                                     /:.:
/ '-========-'                                                      /:.:
/::=---------=::                                                    /:.:
/::..::..::...::. .:::: /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /::::://///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////::::: /`:::: Site is based on tastytronic.net/asciiweb/aw.cgi /::::' /':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////