_______            __ _______     
       ....... |       |.--.--.--.|  |   |   |.---.-.-----. ......            
   ..::::::::: |   -   ||  |  |  ||  |       ||  _  |     | ::::::::..    
 .:::::::::::: |_______||________||__|__|_|__||___._|__|__| :::::::::::.  
/:::::::::::::::::::::::-[ it's not 1998 anymore ]-::::::::::::::::::::: 
/::'.::..::.:`::'                                                  /:::: 
/::=---------=:' In 2017, a woman made a post on /b/ where people   /:.:
/ ,-========-,   would ask her to record stuff, and she would post  /:.:
/|    HOME    |  her audio. For some reason, I saved a lot of the   /:.:
/| .________. |  audio tracks to my computer at the time.           /:.:
/ :-========-:                                                      /:.:
/|   LOOKUP   |  Enjoy them.                                        /:.:
/| .________. |                                                     /:.:
/ :-========-:   >1.mp3                                             /:.:
/|     vid    |  >2.mp3                                             /:.:
/| .________. |  >3.mp3                                             /:.:
/ :-========-:   >4.mp3                                             /:.:
/|    NEWS    |  >5.mp3                                             /:.:
/| .________. |  >6.mp3                                             /:.:
/ :-========-:   >7.mp3                                             /:.:
/|    LIST    |  >8.mp3                                             /:.:
/| .________. |  >9.mp3                                             /:.:
/ :-========-:   >10.mp3                                            /:.:
/|     CAT    |  >11.mp3                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >12.mp3                                            /:.:
/ :-========-:   >13.mp3                                            /:.:
/|   LIBRARY  |  >14.mp3                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >15.mp3                                            /:.:
/ :-========-:   >16.mp3                                            /:.:
/|     IMG    |  >17.mp3                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >18.mp3                                            /:.:
/ '-========-'   >19.mp3                                            /:.:
/::=---------=:: >20.mp3                                            /:.:
/::..::..::...::.                                                  .::::  
/`::::      Site is based on tastytronic.net/asciiweb/aw.cgi      /::::' 