_______            __ _______     
       ....... |       |.--.--.--.|  |   |   |.---.-.-----. ......            
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 .:::::::::::: |_______||________||__|__|_|__||___._|__|__| :::::::::::.  
/:::::::::::::::::::::::-[ it's not 1998 anymore ]-::::::::::::::::::::: 
/::'.::..::.:`::'                                                  /:::: 
/::=---------=:' Straight Outta Rotten. The Dilbert Hole were 17    /:.:
/ ,-========-,   comic strips made by the Rotten Staff c. 1999      /:.:
/|    HOME    |  that were taken off line by                        /:.:
/| .________. |  pointy haired lawyers who don't know what a        /:.:
/ :-========-:   parody is.                                         /:.:
/|     RSS    |                                                     /:.:
/| .________. |  Archived on OwlMan for all to see and enjoy.       /:.:
/ :-========-:                                                      /:.:
/|     vid    |  /                                                  /:.:
/| .________. |  >01.gif                                            /:.:
/ :-========-:   >02.gif                                            /:.:
/|    NEWS    |  >03.gif                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >04.gif                                            /:.:
/ :-========-:   >05.gif                                            /:.:
/|    LIST    |  >06.gif                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >07.gif                                            /:.:
/ :-========-:   >08.gif                                            /:.:
/|     CAT    |  >09.gif                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >10.gif                                            /:.:
/ :-========-:   >11.gif                                            /:.:
/|   LIBRARY  |  >12.gif                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >13.gif                                            /:.:
/ :-========-:   >14.gif                                            /:.:
/|     IMG    |  >15.gif                                            /:.:
/| .________. |  >16.gif                                            /:.:
/ '-========-'   >17.gif                                            /:.:
/::=---------=:: >thedilberthole.zip                                /:.:
/::.    .    .:: >The Dilbert Hole.zip (Mirror)                     /:.:
/::=---------=::                                                    /:.:
/::..::..::...::.                                                  .:::: 
/`::::      Site is based on tastytronic.net/asciiweb/aw.cgi      /::::' 