Please note that this E-Mail has most likely been sent from a scammer or someone who cannot be trusted, and as such, it would not be wise to click on any external websites that leave as they could contain unwanted content.

Subject: Your ProtonMail Account Will Be Disabled!
From: Support Team <>
To: <>, and OwlMan <>
Date: Monday, 13 January 2020 12:46
Size: 1.5 KB

Hello Protonmail User"

We are implementing our new SSL security server in order to protect and safeguard you online so we ask you to re-validate your account with us

This notice is being sent to you as a reminder of your responsibility as an official user on the allocated Email 

*Please take care of this right away by re-validating your account ownership.


Re-validate Now




P.S: This task is required to be completed in 24-48 hours from [[-Now-]] Failure tο adhere may result in permanent Cancellation of your domain and all mailbox allocated to it.

Best Regards.
*ICaNN, the Internet Corporation for assigned Names and Numbers, requires that all domain registrars maintain correct and current WHO IS contact data for domain owners.
Please do not reply to this email. Emails sent to this address will not be answered.
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