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First off, don't click any of the links in the E-Mails listed here that lead to any other websites apart from this one. These people are not your friends, they are criminals who would be more than happy to have all of your money. I am, in no way responsible for any arsehole that links you to the scammer's website. This archive was made as a way to showcase real-life examples of spam E-Mailes a person can get, as such, all of the E-Mail addresses have been kept in tact, same for all of the images.

Just so we're all clear here; when I say "spam mail", I mean any unsolicited message that was sent with an intent to make money for that person. This archive will also show mail from people who are phishing (pretending their someone their not).

I get a lot of spam mail, it's just one of the side-effects of making my E-Mail address public, but you see, I don't really mind it at all, in fact, I do read all of the spam mail I get. The stuff that these people say can be just amazing at times, how they mange to fool so many people with their ludicrous claims is quite amazing.

I will try, and update this page whenever I get a new spam E-Mail.

Subject Date From
Only An Example! Weekday, Number Month Year HH:MM Fake Name <someone@example.com>
Subject Date From More

If you have any questions, comments, or anything in between, please don't hesitate to E-Mail: your-email@example.com

*May not be spam, so the E-Mail address is withheld.