From: Your first payment of Western Union <>
Reply to: Your first payment of Western Union <>
To: TEH LEROY <le██████████████@g████.com>
Date: Monday, February 18th 2019 20:49
Size: 2,35 KB

Your first payment of $5000.00 has been sent today via Western=Union.
are advise to Contact Western Union with your full information to enable
them give you Sender Name, Question and Answer to pick up your First $5000
(1) Sender's Name:-------------- John Mathew
MTCN : -------------- 6159795400
Amount: --------------- USD $5000
For self confirmation click our website ( Put MTCN : 6159795400 You can

see that is funds is available
More information contact Mrs Cecilia William. Email him with this official E-mail ( The total cost for everything

activate transfer files is $105.00 ask him where you will send activate transfer files so that He will sending your payment until your total fund of

$3.5 Million is Completed
Your full name ________
Home address ________
Your country ________
Your city ________
Your Age :___________
Mr.Edwards William