Dear Cass
Imagine if you were in a wheelchair and you were told that you could not enter a certain establishment because you might run over someone's foot an injure it...
That you were a threat to others because your wheelchair was unsafe...
That your being in the store or DMV or doctor's office was a hazard to public health and safety...
And that you would have to sit outside on the street corner while someone shopped for you...
Or that you were simply going to be denied services because it was "store policy."
Now imagine your EMPLOYER told you that you were being difficult, that you didn't care about others, that you being in a wheelchair was SELFISH because you took up more room than others and that you wanted to have special treatment and accommodations...
Now imagine you had a child (and maybe you do) in a wheelchair or with special needs and you were told that your child was not welcome at school / the store / the doctor's office, etc because it would be unsafe for others to be around your child.
You might think that these examples are outrageous...
Or that they have nothing to do with masks, distancing, temp taking or testing...
But these examples are VERY MUCH related to exactly what is going on in our communities right now.
HEALTHY AMERICANS are being discriminated against simply because they are not complying with the draconian, ill-advised, nonsensical "guidelines" of engaging in health-HARMING behaviors!
I have made over 100+ videos addressing these very topics.
Your rights don't come from the government -- you are BORN with God-given rights to live and thrive.
The Constitution doesn't give you rights -- the Constitution was created to PROTECT your God-given rights from being trampled on by the government...
Which is EXACTLY what we are seeing right now.
But I have the REMEDY for you!
In fact, that is the topic of today's video: #TAKE ACTION TUESDAY -- DEFEND YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS
In this 8-minute video you'll see all the resources I've researched, linked to and created for you to take action to defend your civil rights.
Near the end, I show you how to file the NOTICE OF DISCRIMINATION paper, which you can find here.
Thank you one and all for your warm well wishes for my birthday! Your kind words of support encourage me greatly and help keep me afloat!
Please come out and celebrate with me on the beach for our "FREE TO WORSHIP" Beach Church at North Beach in San Clemente.
(Yes, "North Beach" is the name of the beach, and it is at the intersection of El Camino Real and Avenida Estacion. More details here
Bring a chair, shade and a picnic so we can enjoy some time together starting at 11:00am. My hubby Pastor David will deliver spiritual encouragement and I'll also share an enthusiastic message positive encouragement as well. We'll have music and a a few other speakers to rally the troops as well!
Can't wait to give you a hug in person!! No masks and no distancing required.... we are HEALTHY AMERICANS dedicated to truth, freedom, life, and liberty -- living "Healthy and Free!"
with an ocean of gratitude to you and yours,
P.S. Tomorrow I'll give you a a bonus #Take Action step about how to educate businesses about NOT discriminating against you.
For those who'd like to connect via mail , you can do so here:
Peggy Hall
205 Avenida del Mar #681
San Clemente, CA