Please note that this E-Mail has most likely been sent from a scammer or someone who cannot be trusted, and as such, it would not be wise to click on any external websites that leave as they could contain unwanted content.
Subject: Protonmail Account Location Is Not Secured
From: Support Team <>
To: OwlMan <>
Date: Tuesday, 28 April 2020 12:25
Size: 1.8 KB
Dear Protonmail user,
Your account will be disconnected from sending and receiving mails from other users. Because you failed to resolve errors on your mail.
Note: All mails in your inbox, spam, draft, and sent items would be deleted, and access to your account would be denied.
You need to resolve the errors or your account will e disconnected from our database, Follow the instruction below to resolve now.
Resolve Now | |
We are always looking to improve your online experience and security. Thank you! | |
This message was sent from an unmonitored e-mail address. Please do not reply to this message. Privacy Legal ProtonMail@2020 | |