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Subject: Attention: Beneficiary 1
From: <>
To: Thank you for sending me mail <>
Date: Monday, 4 January 2021 08:27
Size: 1.5 KB
| Heritage Bank Plc. 24 Algiers St, Wuse, Abuja Nigeria Phone: +234-901-657-5100 Fax: +234-901-657-544
Attention: Beneficiary 1
Dear Sir The Management of the bank based on the mandate reposed on us by the Federal Ministry of Justice via the Central Bank of Nigeria, We write to inform you about our readiness to release your fund to you.
Hence, you are requested to confirm your details as well as indicate the method of payment you would prefer in your next reply. Through ATM card, Bank to Bank transfer, diplomatic cash delivery. This request has a mandate of 72 hours for you to comply with the directives or it will be deemed you declined the claim.
We have written to you before, we will not hesitate to close your transaction if you fail to comply with our directives The Management will not hesitate to suspend your transaction if you fail to honor this mail.
Reply to:
Dr. Mark Wang Director Debt Servicing and recovery Heritage Bank Plc | | Untitled form | |
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