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	OwlMail No. II
	Date: 10/07/17
	E-Mail me: owlman@protonmail.com
	My Website: https://owlman.neocities.org
	Text falls under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0


"You Can't Kill Me!"
This Week:
>>WELCOME - To Hell?
>>MY LITTLE PONY: THE MOVIE - What Will it be Like?
>>BABY DRIVER - His Name is 'Baby'
>>ASCII OF THE NOW - Someone wins!
>>CHECK THIS SHIT OUT! - You better!
>>FAN MAIL - I do get some!
>>UNTIL NEXT TIME... - Piss off



First off, hello, second off, sorry. I'm English
don't you know?

Welcome to the second OwlMail thing, I am so very
glad that you could make it today so you can read
about crap that is going to waste your time!

Why don't you get a drink, I need a drink just to
write all of this rubbish down.


>My Little Pony: The Movie

Ah, My Little Pony. A name that brings back weird
memories for me, getting up at unholy hours to
watch the show, just because it was never on at
normal times. Oh, and when I say "unholy hours" I
mean at times like 06:00 just to watch one episode.

Prepare to cringe when I say... I was a brony. Oh
God. The cringe. So anyway, I'm going to talk about
the trailer for the new movie, that should come out
on the 8th of October 2017.

So, uh, what is there to say, it's been over six
years since the show started, this isn't the first
MLP:FiM movie to come out, the first one being
Equestria Girls all the way back in 2013, a movie
that had little to do with ponies, but to do with
humans. Wat da fuk?

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     Art by =W.L.=

Watching the trailer I got a real weird Angry Birds
vibe to it, I'm not sure if that's just me or what.

The movie also looks much nicer to look at than the
normal TV show, the new art style reminds me of
some Disney movies, or I might be going crazy. I
think it may be the latter.

At the end of the trailer, it spat out famous cast
names of people who are in the film. None of whome
I recognise. Is it bad I don't know who Kristin
Chenoweth is, but I know about Kunt And The Gang?


Okay, so, will I go and see this movie at the
pictures? Good Lord no.

Will I watch it illegally on YouTube? Probably not.

Is it the film bronies have been waiting for?
We'll see when it comes out, but bronies have
been waiting six years for it so it better be good!



>Baby Driver

So, what do Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott
Pilgrim vs. the World and The World's End all have
in common?
Well, they are all great movies all directed by
Edgar Wright, who not only makes fab movies but
also makes amazing comedy films.

_       .,

In 2003 Edgar Wright did direct a music video for
Mint Rush that was about a robary and a guy in a
car who likes music. Knowing Edgar Wright's past
record of making very funny and good films, I am 
sure Baby Driver will be a smash hit!

...I hope...




ASCII of The Now is a weekly thing that I do where
I show you the best ASCII art that I've found on
the Web. This is ASCII, not ANSI, not pixel
art, but ASCII!

The winner of this weeks "ASCII of The Now" goes to
ASCII artist Joris Bellenger, better known as
b'ger, who here has made a knight with a dragon
computer. If you want to, you may view more of
Joris' work with the link at the bottom.

"AAARRrrrggghhh! Back Evil! You can't stop my quest
      for The Holly Ascii..IVANOHHHEEEEE"

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From the worst part of the Web, I have found some
of the very best links for you to click on and
check out!

Enjoy at your own cost...











So this part of "Check This Shit Out!" is the part
where I talk about a band or album that I like and
this time, I will talk about... The Specials!
Okay, so if you're from the UK, you may already
know about them, but, if you're lucky enouth to not
be from the UK, let me tell you about them...

The Specials, also known as The Special AKA, are an
English 2 Tone and ska revival band formed in 1977
in Coventry. Their music combines a "danceable ska
and rocksteady beat with punk's energy and
attitude". Lyrically they present a "more focused
and informed political and social stance" than
most other ska groups.

Yeah, I got that from Wikipedia... but you should
still play their songs. All of them are great, but
their hits are also very good like Ghost Town (make
sure you play the 12").



This weeks fan mail comes from Your World of Text
user, Mr. Guy who writes...

Make this year a good one. Life doesn't just hand
you a good year. You have to want it, and strive
for it. So this year, 2017, you're going to adopt a
positive attitude, and you're going to do
everything in your power to enjoy every moment of
it. Because you're cheating yourself out of so
much if you don't.

Thank you Mr. Guy for your very nice words! If
you can, check out his Your World of Text world at
this URL:

If you want to send me some fan (or even hate)
mail, you can contact me with the E-Mail address
at the top, or if you use Neocities, you may write
on my wall at this URL;



See you on the dark side of the moon.

Okay, now that's out of the way, I'll like to show
everyone my latest article called "Woman Fatally
Shoots Boyfriend For YouTube Views" - it's not
clickbait if it's true!

Read about it here:


I have no idea what I'll do next, but hopfuly it
will be good!

Or not.

Love you all!

~ Clive "James" Python

Never stop doing what you love, never.