dD .d88b. db d8b db db d888b .d8b. .88b d88. d88888b .d8888. d8' .8P Y8. 88 I8I 88 88 88' Y8b d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88 88' 88' YP d8' 88 88 88 I8I 88 88 88 88ooo88 88 88 88 88ooooo `8bo. d8' 88 88 Y8 I8I 88 88 88 ooo 88~~~88 88 88 88 88~~~~~ `Y8b. d8' `8b d8' `8b d8'8b d8' 88booo. 88. ~8~ 88 88 88 88 88 88. db 8D C8' `Y88P' `8b8' `8d8' Y88888P Y888P YP YP YP YP YP Y88888P `8888Y' . ,. , ,. ,. .-,--. , . ,-. |-. ,-. ,-. `| /| / / | ' | \ ,-. {__| | | | ,-| | | | / | / /~~|-. , | / `-. ' `-' ' ' `-^ ' ' `' `' ,' `-' `-^--' `-'
Wanted WADs | N/A | Missing Doom WADs that should be found |
Archaeologists Nightmare | 2018-08-17 | Ugly mad for Doom II, not really worth your time. |
CLANG.wad | 2019-01-16 | CLANG.wad; it replaces every sound with a "CLANG", what more is there to say? |
Hellacious D | 2018-01-16 | Anon's first Doom map |
jungle attack | 2019-02-06 | Hey lads, i whipped up a map, feel free to give it a spin. |
Hellevator | 2019-01-16 | Hard, but very fun Doom II map with a bitchin' soundtrack, playing on top of you killing demons |
ArmorisHitPoints | 2018-12-26 | Anon makes a mutator 'ArmorisHitPoints' |
Room v4.2 | 2019-01-16 | My first wad, hope you enjoy |
Room v4 | 2018-04-22 | My first wad, hope you enjoy |
Room v4.1 | 2019-01-16 | My first wad, hope you enjoy |