Fucking Around Online

So, today I found out about the website Tweet Mashup!, a site that its whole purpose is to "combine tweets from two Twitter accounts for one awesome tweet!". Anyway, here are some dumb tweets that came out, most of it is randum rubbish, but who cares? We're all going to die :-)

Oh, and I'm @14jammar is you haven't figured it out yet.

@14jammar & @HexoSlaya369

Nothing like playing (and singing) "The Number of The Beast" by NFKRZ: via @YouTube

@14jammar & @HexoSlaya369

Oh baby, let's play minecraft game!!ยก!!!!!

@14jammar & @jakeoffline

Everyone on the Tracy Beaker Wiki...

@14jammar & @jakeoffline

Found this today on /r/t_d. Did White cheese is the fucking bomb.

@14jammar & @jakeoffline

Two black people of Reddit: is Natty Comic satire? Thanks in advance!

@14jammar & @jakeoffline

Friend:You could be coma right now. me feel like I'm a child or a spaz

@14jammar & @Neocities

Just a reminder that @Neocities DOES NOT SELL DATA about you TO ENGLAND!

@14jammar & @Neocities

Just shaved 1.5KB off with that shit.

@14jammar & @Neocities

Remember to assault people who have a Crystalis fan site

@14jammar & @Neocities

God, this cunt is going down harder than Fort Knox's Twitter account on science day

@14jammar & @swearclock

Bum an ad for ice tea, fuck off with that shit.

@14jammar & @swearclock

There was just an ad for ice tea, fuck Off Bagpuss It's 6:30PM

@14jammar & @swearclock

Mammary Intercourse On a VHS? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

@14jammar & @swearclock

Well Touch Me like I'm a child or a spaz

@14jammar & @swearclock

Ass to end well at all

@14jammar & @SoVeryBritish

Saying "come on then, let's play some Doom on DOSBox; mount c c: c: cd doom doom2

@14jammar & @SoVeryBritish

"No rush, finish your lunch first" How kind of sexy

@14jammar & @SoVeryBritish

"Don't forget you've got work tomorrow" Precisely why _I'm_ on the Tracy Beaker Wiki...

@14jammar & @EmojiMovie

For a limited time only buy a woman

@14jammar & @EmojiMovie

On July 28, the Emojis are 1. Wrong and 2. Lying

@14jammar & @EmojiMovie

One small emoji can make a big difference. we're very concerned about your well-being

@14jammar & @EmojiMovie

๐ŸŒญ๐ŸŒญ๐ŸŒญ x a different political ideology from yourself

Written by Clive "James" Python, 2017-09-19.
