Best of XKCD
What it says on the tin, really.
XKCD is the name of an ongoing WebComic by American ex-NASA employee, Randall Munroe, that orbs around mathematical, programming, scientific in-jokes, pop-culture, and over-all nerd humour. One of the great things about XKCD is that it is published under a Creative Commons license, meaning that people such as myself may use the comic, for FREE :O, because of this, it means that I have the right to publish the XKCD comic on my own site, like what I'm doing right now.
One day I just pressed the random comic button on the XKCD website, and I picked my favourites.
XKCD #1492: Dress Color
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Title text: This white-balance illusion hit so hard because it felt like someone had been playing through the Monty Hall scenario and opened their chosen door, only to find there was unexpectedly disagreement over whether the thing they'd revealed was a goat or a car.
XKCD #1336: Transformers
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Title text: A helicopter bursts from a chrysalis and alights on a rock, rotors still damp.
XKCD #1360: Old Files
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Title text: Wow, ANIMORPHS-NOVEL.RTF? Just gonna, uh, go through and delete that from all my archives real quick.
XKCD #1891: Obsolete Technology
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Title text: And I can't believe some places still use fax machines. The electrical signals waste so much time going AROUND the Earth when neutrino beams can go straight through!
XKCD #13: Canyon
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Title text: They're standing at the lip of the canyon, which isn't clear at all.
XKCD #249: Chess Photo
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Title text: We once tried playing blindfold chess on the Aerosmith ride at Disney World.
XKCD #964: Dorm Poster
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Title text: I was going to record an album with that cover under the name "PINK FTFY", so it'd come after them on the store CD rack. But at this point music stores are just rooms where CDs are set out to age before they're thrown away, so probably nobody would see it.
XKCD #659: Lego
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Title text: Dad, where is Grandpa right now?
XKCD #964: Wall Art
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Title text: At first, I moved from pokémon posters to regular oil paintings, but then these really grumpy and unreasonable detectives from the Louvre showed up and took them all. They wouldn't even give me back my thumbtacks!
XKCD #629: Skins
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Title text: There's Livejournal drama between those who want to wear human suits over fursuits and those who just take off the fursuits.