@echo off title Pub Quiz color 0a :menustartgame cls echo Welcome to Pub Quiz echo *************************************** echo. echo From here you can: echo. echo 1. Start the Game echo 2. Info echo 3. Exit echo 4. Nothing set /p menuchoie=">" if %menuchoie% == 1 goto startgame if %menuchoie% == 2 goto info if %menuchoie% == 3 goto exit goto menustartgame :info cls title Information on the Quiz color 0b pause echo This quiz is the best quiz ever!!!11!1 echo. echo 1. Start the quiz echo 2. Exit set /p menuchoie=">" if %menuchoie% == 1 goto startgamePUBQUIX if %menuchoie% == 2 goto exitDodgemsAD :startgame cls title Please enter your name color 1a echo Please enter your name... echo. set /p player= echo. echo Press any key to start, the quiz pause >nul goto q1 :q1 cls title Question one cls echo Question one echo *************************************** echo. echo The national animal of Scotland is... echo. echo 1. A Bald eagle echo 2. A Duck echo 3. A Unicorn echo 4. A Wolf echo. set /p ans1= if %ans1% == 1 goto wr1 if %ans1% == 2 goto wr1 if %ans1% == 3 goto cr1 if %ans1% == 4 goto wr1 goto q1 :wr1 cls title Wrong color 8b echo Sorry m8, that's not the national animal of Scotland pause >nul goto menustartgame :cr1 cls title Corret! color 9a echo Corret, %player%! The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn echo. echo Press any key to continue pause >nul goto q2 :q2 cls title Question two cls echo Question two echo *************************************** echo. echo The World's Oldest Newspaper that is still running is... echo. echo 1. The Times echo 2. Berrow's Worcester Journal echo 3. Play Boy echo 4. The King's Boy echo. set /p ans2= if %ans2% == 1 goto wr2 if %ans2% == 2 goto cr2 if %ans2% == 3 goto wr2 if %ans2% == 4 goto wr2 goto q2 :wr2 cls title Wrong color 8b echo Nope, that's wrong echo. echo Press any key to return to the menu pause >nul goto menustartgame :cr2 cls title Corret! color 9a echo Well done, %player%, the oldest newspaper is indeed the Worcester Journal echo. echo Press any key to continue pause >nul goto q3 :q3 cls title Question three cls echo Question three echo *************************************** echo. echo How long was The 100 Year war between England and France? echo. echo 1. 100 years echo 2. 99 years echo 3. 116 years echo 4. 101 years echo. set /p ans3= if %ans3% == 1 goto wr3 if %ans3% == 2 goto wr3 if %ans3% == 3 goto cr3 if %ans3% == 4 goto wr3 goto q5 :wr3 cls title Wrong color 8b echo I would of said that too echo. echo Press any key to return to the menu pause >nul goto menustartgame :cr3 cls title Corret! color 9a echo Well done, %player%! The 100 Year War really did last 116 years echo. echo Press any key to continue pause >nul goto q4 :q4 cls title Question fore cls echo Question fore echo *************************************** echo. echo Paul McCartney, "Weird Al" Yankovic and 50 Cent echo have all been on what show? echo. echo 1. The Simpsons echo 2. Family Guy echo 3. The Flintstones echo 4. Space 1999 echo. set /p ans4= if %ans4% == 1 goto cr4 if %ans4% == 2 goto wr4 if %ans4% == 3 goto wr4 if %ans4% == 4 goto wr4 goto q5 :wr4 cls title Wrong color 8b echo Oh man! your're wrong! echo. echo Press any key to return to the menu pause >nul goto menustartgame :cr4 cls title Corret! color 9a echo Corret, many, many guest stars have been on The Simpsons echo. echo Press any key to continue pause >nul goto q5 :q5 cls title Question five cls echo Question five echo *************************************** echo. echo Is this a good quiz? echo. echo 1. No echo 2. No echo 3. No echo 4. No echo. set /p ans5= if %ans5% == goto cr5 if %ans5% == goto cr5 if %ans5% == goto cr5 if %ans5% == goto cr5 goto win :cr5 cls title Corret! color 9a echo Well done, %player%, we agree! echo. echo Press any key to continue pause >nul goto win :win cls title Welldone, you have won! coloe 0a ping localhost -n 1 color 0b ping localhost -n 1 color 0c ping localhost -n 1 color 0d ping localhost -n 1 color 0e ping localhost -n 1 color 0f cls echo. echo A winner is you! echo. echo I hope you liked this quiz! echo Thank's for playing this dumb game! echo. pause cls echo Return to menu? (Y/N) set /p rtrn2menu= if %rtrn2menu% == y goto menu if %rtrn2menu% == n exit goto win echo