@echo off mode con cols=300 mode con lines=300 title Animal Game goto start :start color 79 cls set /p a=Name: goto aop :aop cls echo 1)eagle echo 2)panther echo 3)wolf echo 4)giant snake echo 5)penguin set /p c=animal type: if %c%==1 goto eagle if %c%==2 goto panther if %c%==3 goto wolf if %c%==4 goto snake if %c%==5 goto penguin if %c%==mika goto baby if %c%==boo goto boo if %c%==fox goto fox if %c%== ' ' goto start if not c==%c% goto aop :wat cls set /p b=Animal Name: pause set /a focus=2 set /a money=0 set /a animallvl=(%lvl% + 3) set prize1=0 goto cityop :cityop cls echo 1)home echo 2)battle echo 3)tournament echo 4)upgrade your animal set /p op=Choose an option: if %op%==1 goto home if %op%==2 goto load1 if %op%==3 goto load2 if %op%==4 goto upgrades if %op%==mika set /a money+=101 :load1 cls echo Loding... ping -w 09 >nul goto battle :load2 cls echo Loding... ping -w 09 >nul goto tournament :home set /a animallvl=%lvl% + 3 cls echo %a% echo lvl(%lvl%) echo bal(%money%) echo animal(%b% the %c%) echo animallvl(%animallvl%) pause goto cityop :battle setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /a r=%random% %%!16 +1 ::dob Bob lob mob BURP woho if '%r%' == '0' ( set wild=dob set wildlvl=2 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '1' ( set wild=Bob set wildlvl=3 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '2' ( set wild=slob set wildlvl=3 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '3' ( set wild=blob set wildlvl=4 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '4' ( set wild=BURP set wildlvl=5 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '5' ( set wild=wo ho set wildlvl=20 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '6' ( set wild=fluffy set wildlvl=50 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '7' ( set wild=snoopy set wildlvl=4 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '8' ( set wild=noodle set wildlvl=3 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '9' ( set wild=MiKaChU! ! ! set wildlvl=%random% goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '10' ( set wild=donut set wildlvl=7 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '11' ( set wild=ploopy set wildlvl=7 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '12' ( set wild=lody set wildlvl=6 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '13' ( set wild=apple set wildlvl=0.1 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '14' ( set wild=^^POODY^^ set wildlvl=%random% goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '15' ( set wild=hubble*bubble set wildlvl=19 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '16' ( set wild=holy cow set wildlvl=30 goto battle1 ) if '%r%' == '17' ( set wild=moody set wildlvl=1 goto battle1 ) :battle1 set /a wildhp=%wildlvl% * 5 set /a wildat=%wildlvl% * 2 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto battle2 :battle2 if %wildhp% lss 0 goto win if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %wildhp% %wild% %wildlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p bat=Choose an option: if %bat%==1 goto bat1 if %bat%==2 goto bat2 if %bat%==3 goto cityop :bat1 set /a wildhp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%wildat% goto battle2 :bat2 set /a wildhp-=%at2% set /a animalhp-=%wildat% goto battle2 :win set /a lvl=%lvl% + (%wildlvl% /3) set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 set /a wildhp=%wildlvl% * 5 set /a money+=%wildlvl% * 3 cls echo You win! pause goto cityop :loose set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 set /a wildhp=%wildlvl% * 5 cls echo You loose! pause goto cityop :eagle set c=eagle set at1=swoop set at2=screech set lvl=1 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * 2 set /a screech=%animallvl% * 2 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :panther set c=panther set at1=pounce set at2=claw set lvl=1 set /a pounce=%animallvl% * 2 set /a claw=%animallvl% * 2 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :wolf set c=wolf set at1=howl set at2=bite set lvl=1 set /a howl=%animallvl% * 2 set /a bite=%animallvl% * 2 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :snake set c=snake set at1=fangs set at2=venom set lvl=1 set /a fangs=%animallvl% * 2 set /a venom=%animallvl% * 2 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :penguin set c=penguin set at1=fliper set at2=ice_slide set lvl=1 set /a fliper=%animallvl% * 2 set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * 2 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :baby set c=baby set at1=wine set at2=cry set lvl=10000000 set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :fox set c=fox set at1=sneak set at2=burrow set lvl=3 set /a sneak=%animallvl% * 3 set /a burrow=%animallvl% * 3 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :boo set c=boo set lvl=10000000 set at1=boo set at2=hoo set /a boo=%animallvl% * 2 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 2 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto wat :upgrades cls if %money% gtr 100 goto up1 if %money% lss 100 goto notmoney :notmoney cls echo Not enough m0ney pause goto cityop :goodtogo cls echo Thank you for coming! pause goto cityop :up1 echo 1)upgrade %at1% echo 2)upgrade %at2% echo 3)leave set /p uop1=Choose an option: if %uop1%==1 goto upop if %uop1%==2 goto up2op if %uop1%==3 goto cityop if not %uop1%==uop1 goto upgrades :upop if %c%==eagle goto upa if %c%==panther goto upb if %c%==wolf goto upc if %c%==snake goto upd if %c%==penguin goto upe if %c%==fox goto upf :up2op if %c%==eagle goto upa2 if %c%==panther goto upb2 if %c%==wolf goto upc2 if %c%==snake goto upd2 if %c%==penguin goto upe2 if %c%==fox goto upf2 :upa cls set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at1=floop set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upb set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at1=furry_leap set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upc set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at1=moon_howl set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upd set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at1=constrict set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upe set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at1=waddle set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upf set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at1=stealth set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upa2 set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at2=sonic_screech set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upb2 set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at2=jungle_scratch set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upc2 set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at2=moon_claws set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upd2 set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at2=paralyze set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upe2 set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at2=glacier set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :upf2 set /a focus=%focus% + 2 set at2=callbabyfoxes set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a money-=100 goto goodtogo :twin set /a lvl+=(%tlvl% / 3) set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a money+=%tlvl% * 3 set /a prize1=%prize1% + 1 cls echo You win! pause goto cityop :tournament set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% goto turnop :turnop if %prize1%==0 goto d1 if %prize1%==1 goto d2 if %prize1%==2 goto d3 if %prize1%==3 goto d4 if %prize1%==4 goto d5 if %prize1%==5 goto d6 if %prize1%==6 goto d7 if %prize1%==7 goto d8 if %prize1%==8 goto d9 if %prize1%==9 goto d10 if %prize1% gtr 9 goto d11 :d1 set t1=Stormy the hawk set tlvl=23 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test1 :d2 set t2=Zink the leapord set tlvl=34 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test2 :d3 set t3=Boty the coyote set tlvl=45 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test3 :d4 set t4=Borse the polorbear set tlvl=57 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test4 :d5 set t5=Snoorp the gecko set tlvl=78 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test5 :d6 set t6=Daphy the dolphin set tlvl=93 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test6 :d7 set t7=Goomba the octapus set tlvl=80 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test7 :d8 set t8=Haly the giraff set tlvl=130 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test8 :d9 set t9=Lady the ladybug set tlvl=300 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test9 :d10 set t10=Germy the germ set tlvl=666 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test10 :d11 set t10=Poody the poodian set /a tlvl=%random% * 10 set /a thp=%tlvl% * 5 set /a animalhp=%animallvl% * 5 goto test10 :test1 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t1% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat1 if %top%==2 goto tat1 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test2 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t2% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat2 if %top%==2 goto tat2 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test3 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t3% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat3 if %top%==2 goto tat3 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test4 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t4% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat4 if %top%==2 goto tat4 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test5 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t5% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat5 if %top%==2 goto tat5 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test6 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t6% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat6 if %top%==2 goto tat6 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test7 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t7% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat7 if %top%==2 goto tat7 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test8 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t8% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat8 if %top%==2 goto tat8 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test9 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t9% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat9 if %top%==2 goto tat9 if %top%==3 goto cityop :test10 if %thp% lss 0 goto twin if %animalhp% lss 0 goto loose cls echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %thp% %t10% %tlvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo. echo. echo. echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo \ %animalhp% %b% %animallvl% \ echo \---------------------------------------------------\ echo 1)%at1% echo 2)%at2% echo 3)run set /p top=Choose an option: if %top%==1 goto tat10 if %top%==2 goto tat10 if %top%==3 goto cityop :tat1 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test1 :tat2 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test2 :tat3 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test3 :tat4 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test4 :tat5 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test5 :tat6 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test6 :tat7 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test7 :tat8 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test8 :tat9 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test9 :tat10 set /a testat=%tlvl% * 2 set /a swoop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a pounce=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a claw=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a bite=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fangs=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a venom=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a fliper=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a ice_slide=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a wine=%animallvl% * 10 set /a cry=%animallvl% * 10 set /a boo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a hoo=%animallvl% * 10 set /a floop=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a furry_leap=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_howl=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a constrict=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a waddle=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sonic_screech=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a jungle_scratch=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a moon_claws=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a paralyze=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a glacier=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a sneak=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a burrow=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a stealth=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a callbabyfoxes=%animallvl% * %focus% set /a thp-=%at1% set /a animalhp-=%testat% goto test10