Over a Million

Hello there everyone, OwlMan here.
So, today (2019-09-29) was the day that over one million people have viewed my site, I'll admit, I don't really know how to feel about this, people seemed hyped that I was going to get to this number, and well, I finally made it, so thank you all so much for believing in me. I remember that I used to joke that I only had so many views was because I went on my site on so many different computers, but I doubt I could have done so on one million plus computers. Me keeping care of a website has been a fun ride, I've made so many friends, but also lost a few. Good times and bad times. I'm not going to sugar-coat this, I have had very dark toughs at times, but I am certain that I have always tried to be the best, and that would not be possible without my friends.

I would like to take this time in thanking everyone who has helped me get my voice out in the open, even simply linking my web-banner on your page has helped me a tremendous lot. I'm not going to start listing people who have helped me, as the list would be too long, but you know who you are, and I thank you all for your services.

I don't really know what to do for this event, I might do an AMA in a few days, so watch out for that, but in the meantime, I republished my really bad random comic generator from 2016, so that might give you a chuckle or two.

Here's to two million!

Written by Clive "James" Python, 2019-09-29.
