By Clive Python | 14jammar
- John Carmack
Look, I fucking love Doom and you do too unless you've never played it... Even in the year
it's still
fucking great to play, if Doom was a man I would more than happily suck their dick for free.
I've never been into computer games at all, one of the last games I played was Jet Set Willy in 2009, sure I played lots of flash
games on Newgrounds and on Nitrome but never got
into the game so much that I wanted to write an article about it.
The first time I played Doom was... well crap, I did not know about all the ports, such as ZDoom,
QZDoom and even QZDoom. No, I used DosBox to run Doom II.
This was a bad idea as, well, the game looked like crap, there was no sound at all and the only way to run was by pressing down Shift all the time.
How do you improve a masterpiece? It's very hard to. Is Doom II a masterpiece? Doom II is admittedly bigger; bigger maps, more monster and a
new weapon, but it is sadly not as good as the first. Many of the maps don't
look like what they're meant to be, an example of this would be the city levels
that look nothing like a city.
Another being monsters, where the monsters in Doom were evenly matched, the
monsters in Doom II take the piss. Just look at Arch-viles.
But does Doom II have an upside? Yes. The super shotgun; the lord of all
weapons, if playing with the normal shotgun was fun, imagine playing with two in one.
Here are some Doom WADs I really like and hope you like 'em too;
Being that Doom was a hit success for id and a lot of people have played it, less have
made mods for the game, of these people is Eric Harris, one of the two Columbine
High School shooters. As it turns out,
Eric was quite
the fan of Doom, he even made his own mods for the game.
Most of the mods are... well, bad in a design point of view, the only
mod worth your time is uaclabs.wad
Doom, alongside The Matrix and Marilyn Manson, had the honour of being the blame for 15 (including Harris and
Klebold) deaths and 24 non-fatal injuries.
[Read more on Eric Harris and Doom]
John Carmack Quote
Things You Should Look At...
Errant Signal - DOOM
One Man Doom
More Mods You Might Like...
I. Origwad
Aliens TC
Brutal Doom
The Sky May Be
Doom shareware + copy of Chocolate Doom
Written by Clive "James" Python, 21/02/17.*/
Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important
Until I used QZDoom I had no idea what I was missing out on.
Holy crap, the first thing that will hit you will be the music.
Bobby Prince, who worked on a lot of games by id Software and Apogee Software, was really on his game for Doom, from start to finish,
Doom is full of great metal songs of that era.
Many of the songs were inspired by or closely mirror pop rock and metal songs, from groups like Alice in Chains, Metallica,
Pantera and Slayer. Call it an inspiration or a homage; you can't tell me you don't love it. One of the highlights for me would be
the Endgame Music.
Doom II
WADs and Mods